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Destination Canada to host International Symposium on Destination Stewardship
30 August 2023 (Edited )

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6-8 November 2023 in Gatineau, QC

Destination Canada to host International Symposium on Destination Stewardship

Event is scheduled for 6-8 November 2023 at the Canadian Museum of History in Gatineau, QC.

From Destination Canada:

"This three-day event will bring together global thought leaders, stakeholders, partners, and knowledge keepers from diverse sectors for a unique discussion on redefining tourism and destination stewardship...the Symposium will explore how we can transform ourselves into destination stewards, while unpacking how a regenerative approach to tourism can have a positive impact on residents, their communities, culture, economy, and the environment.

The objective of the Symposium is to showcase dynamic new ideas and best practices in destination development and stewardship from around the world. It will consist of 4 tracks:

Fostering Connection Among Individuals - Bringing people from different industries together to understand joint impact on tourism

Fostering Connection with Nature - Importance of preserving and appreciating our environment and the role of tourism in climate action.

Fostering Connection with Economics - Exploring the interconnectedness among profitability, social return on investment and overall prosperity

Fostering Connection with Communities - Highlighting the role of communities in shaping and sustaining destinations, exploring the agency communities should have in the guest-host relationship

Speakers will include Valuegraphics founder David Allison, human behavior expert, advisor to global brands and leading advocate for discarding demographic stereotypes.

General admission fee is $800 CAD including 3-day access with Welcome Reception and continental breakfasts, coffee breaks and lunches. Student admission is $250 CAD.

Here is the registration page.

FYI, Gatineau, QC is part of metro Ottawa, so I would expect a major CA government presence at the conference.

Several hotel options are offered, with room rates ranging from $155/night to $429 (CAD, so discounted for Americans), and "Local Information" is here: .

It looks from the registration form that speaker slots may be available, also possibly media passes.

Sounds interesting - and affordable except maybe for travel and hotel - but I'd like to know who else is going.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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