This project moved quickly to the front burner when MH officials rejected - as detrimental to tourism - a similar plan by Eversource to route a tra" /> ACRO Global Tourism Marketer Articles: Most attendees at MPUC hearings opposed CMP powerline project as detrimental to tourism
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Most attendees at MPUC hearings opposed CMP powerline project as detrimental to tourism
18 September 2018 (Edited )

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This project moved quickly to the front burner when MH officials rejected - as detrimental to tourism - a similar plan by Eversource to route a transmission line through the White Mountains.

CMP says the project is essential to avoid climate change, and that it will create many construction jobs in the state.

Opponents argue that the only parties to benefit will be CMP and Massachusetts, where most of the Hydro-Quebec power that would flow down the line will end up; construction workers may be hired from out of state; and the necessary 100' towers will ruin the Maine landscape for tourists.

What will the MPUC do? What will MA Gov. Charlie Baker do if MPUC rejects CMP's plan?

Stay tuned.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
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