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Nova Scotia tourism has best August in 15 years
06 November 2016 (Edited )

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Tourism Nova Scotia 11 October 2016

Per a media release from Tourism Nova Scotia, nearly 400,000 non-resident overnight visitors came to the province in August 2016, up 7% from August 2015. Arrivals by air were up 21% to 125,000, by car up 2% to 273,000.

Visitors from other Canadian provinces totaled 331,000 of whom 139,000 came from Atlantic Canada and 128,400 from Ontario.

Visitors from the USA totaled 51,800 of whom 16,100 came from New England.

There were 14,900 visits from overseas.

Room-nights sold totaled 372,000, up 4% from 2015, and revenues were approximately $406M.

YTD overnight visitation was up 8% to 1,553,000 non-residents, room-nights up 3%.

The fact that more than 83% of out-of-province visitors came from elsewhere in Canada is good news for Nova Scotia but probably bad news for New England. If the Loonie were not so weak, many of these Canadians likely would have vacationed in New England.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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