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CDC: Additional area of active Zika transmission identified in Miami Beach
21 August 2016 (Edited )

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US CDC 19 August 2016

From CDC: Miami-Dade County residents and visitors advised to take steps to reduce risk of Zika transmission

Key points of what CDC and Florida health officials are now recommending:

  • Pregnant women should avoid travel to the designated area of Miami Beach, in addition to the designated area of Wynwood.
  • Pregnant women and their partners living in or who must travel to the designated areas should follow steps to prevent mosquito bites.
  • Women and men who live in or who have traveled to the designated area of Miami Beach since July 14, 2016:
    • Pregnant women should see their doctor or other healthcare provider about getting tested for Zika
    • People who have a pregnant sex partner should consistently and correctly use condoms or avoid having sex for the duration of the pregnancy.
  • Pregnant women and their sexual partners may also consider postponing nonessential travel to all parts of Miami-Dade County.
  • All pregnant women in the United States should be evaluated for possible Zika virus exposure during each prenatal care visit.
  • Women with Zika should wait at least 8 weeks after symptoms start before trying to get pregnant.
  • Men with Zika should wait at least 6 months after symptoms start before couples try to get pregnant.
  • Women and men without confirmed Zika who traveled to this area should wait at least 8 weeks before trying to get pregnant.
  • Women and men who live in or frequently travel to this area and who do not have signs or symptoms of Zika should talk to their healthcare provider to inform their decisions about timing of pregnancy.

"As of August 17, 2016, 2,260 cases of Zika had been reported in the continental United States and Hawaii, including 529 in pregnant women."

For more information about Zika:

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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