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Portland ME referendum would limit cruise ship passenger visits to 1000 a day
18 October 2022

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An Act to Restrict Cruise Ships in Order to Reduce Congestion and Pollution

Limitations on cruise ship passengers in Portland threaten Maine tourism

A referendum question to be put before Portland, ME voters next month would restrict visits to the port by cruise-ship passengers to 1,000 persons per day.

This referendum was introduced by the Maine chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) - a left-wing socialist- and labor-oriented political organization - as part of a wider-reaching initiative intended to make Portland more livable for residents.

Following pushback from longshoremen's and construction-trades unions, DSA attented to amend their referendum proposal and repackage it as "An Act to Reduce Cruise Ship Emissions and Expand Good Paying Jobs on the Working Waterfront" - but the Portland City Council voted to go forward with the original version.

In the 2023 cruise season, 67 ships capable of carrying more than 1,000 passengers are expected to be visiting Portland. Any limitation on numbers of passengers who can go ashore will likely result in these ships not making port calls in Portland.

A 2019 survey of cruise ship passengers found that the mean per-visitor spend while in port is $70. That's $70,000 for 1000 passengers.

Restaurant, retail and tour operators - bus tours originating in Portland carry cruise ship passengers far beyond the city on day trips - and other small business people in Portland, as well as officials and members of Maine statewide tourism organizations, are understandably united in resisting this referendum.

How will this turn out? Stay tuned.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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