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Proposal to reopen ME-NB border 1 July gets mixed reactions
04 June 2021 (Edited )

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NB Premier Blaine Higgs

The just-released New Brunswick "Path to Green" plan would on 1 July reopen the province's border to travelers from both elsewhere in Canada and the State of Maine who have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, with no need to isolate. Vaccination proof "may" be on an honor system.

All New Brunswick travel restrictions and the existing state of emergency would be lifted as early as 2 August.

However, the same day, following discussions with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau and other provincial premiers, NB Premier Blaine Higgs said that because the Canada-US border is under Federal jurisdiction, a 1 July reopening is unlikely, but a date later in July could be doable.

Among residents of towns on the NB side of the border, opinions about the reopening vary, with some looking forward to seeing American friends and family again after almost 16 months, and others preferring that more people first receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

About 55% of Mainers are fully vaccinated, but vaccine rollout in Canada has generally lagged that in the US, with around 50% of NB residents having received at least one shot.

Reopening the border as soon as possible would of course be advantageous to the tourism industries of both Maine and NB.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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