MOTT preparing for 250th anniversary of the American Revolution
With the 250th anniversary coming up in 2025, the Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism has announced the start of a search for examples of the experiences of specific groups of people at the time ot the American Revolution: indigenous peoples, women, slaves and youth.
Also the Massachusetts legislature has formed a Special Commission on the 250th Anniersary of the American Revolution, comprised of 7 lawmakers and 31 other persons (to be appointed by various local governments and associations, or by the Governor), which has a charter to "investigate and study the promotion and celebration" of the 250th anniversary of the Revolution, and includes a Diversity and Inclusion Subcommittee.
MOTT plans to create a dedicated 250th anniversary website and hire a full-time employee to support this initiative.
The MA state budget for FY2024 (which began 1 July 2023) includes $1M for promotion and celebration of the 250th anniversary.