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US borders with Canada and Mexico to remain closed through 21 November 2020
21 October 2020 (Edited )

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US Department of Homeland Security

Per DHS Acting Secretary Chad Wolf, US borders with Canada and Mexico will remain closed to non-essential travel until at least 21 November 2020.

It's believed that the continued closure of the border with Canada - which applies to automobile, commuter rail and ferry travel but not to air, rail or sea travel - was initiated by Canada as a result of dissatisfaction with how the US is controlling the spread of COVID-19.

The US-Mexico land border remains closed, but air travel is unrestricted.

Non-essential travel includes travel for tourism purposes like sightseeing, recreation, gambling, or attending cultural events; also shopping trips and routine family visits.

An earlier tip from an unnamed source in Toronto indicated that the US-CA border would remain closed until at least US Thanksgiving. Does the 21 November date suggest a softening on the part of the Canadians? Stay tuned.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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