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Vermont chooses adding residents over adding tourists
04 June 2018 (Edited )

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State of Vermont

Vermont officials plan to use a combination of targeted marketing and incentives to get people to move to the state. Target groups for this campaign include tourists, out-of-state students, and Vermonters who have moved away - especially younger people.

Vermonters have a high median age of 42.7, and the state's population is staying flat at best.

Governor Phil Scott has proposed spending $3.2M this year on this attraction effort. Accordingly, Scott has signed into law a bill that will pay new residents up to $10K over a 2-year period. The "Remote Worker Grant Program" to take effect 1 January 2019 would reimburse people who move to Vermont - but keep their full-time, out-of-state job and work remotely - for relocation expenses and some other costs.

A "Stay to Stay Weekends" program intended to convert tourists to residents has been running since March, but without great success.

It's believed that at least some of the $3.2M or whatever amount ultimately will go into funding the resident-attraction program will be coming out of the state's tourism destination marketing budget.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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