As of 1 July 2020, the State of Vermont will begin welcoming visitors - without quarantine - from counties in New England, PA, DE, NJ, MD, WV, OH, and VA - plus Washington, DC - with fewer than 400 cases of COVID-19 per million residents.
A map on the website like the one above will be updated every Friday to show eligible counties.
Unfortunately, however, most visitors to Vermont drive there from urban areas that have higher rates of COVID-19 infection.
Each of the other 5 New England states has at least one county with 800+ active cases of COVID-19 per million residents.
Bus tours, which normally bring about 2500 visitors to VT every fall for foliage-viewing, will likely be largely absent in 2020 - and possibly in 2021 also, unless a vaccine or cure for COVID-19 is developed.