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BREAKING: Americans' holiday travel intentions down 26% from a year ago
20 October 2022

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Financial concerns and airline issues put a damper on holiday travel

Fewer than 1 in 3 Americans plan to travel during this holiday season

The 2022 Deloitte Holiday Travel Survey report released today shows Americans' travel demand to be slowing after a year and a half of growth, with intentions to travel between Thanksgiving and mid-January down 26% from a year ago.

Fewer than 1 in 3 Americans plan to travel during this holiday season, taking an average of 2 trips.

However, travel intentions of higher-income Americans, and for international trips, are up from this time last year.

Other key findings:

  • 30% of those planning to travel and 40% of those not planning to travel said their financial situation is worse now than it was a year ago.
  • 18% of those not planning to travel cited airline cancellations and delays as top reason.
  • Average travel budget of those who plan to travel this year is $1,287 for transportation and lodging.
  • Demand will be weaker across most travel segments, but hotels will be hit harder than airlines because of high incidence of VFR travel.
  • Fewer travelers plan to participate in experiences like concerts and sporting events at destinations.
  • Only 22% of Americans aged 55+ plan to travel this holiday season, down from36% a year ago.
  • About 1 in 4 travelers intend to work while on their longest holiday trip.

Top motivators of holiday season travel this year are:

  1. Reconnect with family and friends
  2. Rest and relaxation
  3. Need for a getaway
  4. Regularly travel at holidays
  5. Spend time with significant other

Top reasons for not traveling this holiday season:

  1. Financial concerns (37%)
  2. Prefer to spend on something else (30%)
  3. No destination in mind (24%)
  4. Concerned about COVID and other diseases (18%)
  5. Concerned about travel disruption (18%)

Most popular holiday trip dates (top 3):

  1. Thanksgiving weekend (27%)
  2. December before Christmas (24%)
  3. Christmas - New Year's Day (24%)

Statistics are based on an online survey of 4,986 Americans who said they plan to participate in some kind of holiday activities this year, including 1,540 who plan to engage in leisure travel. Claimed margin of error is +/-2%.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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