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November 2023 US air passenger arrivals reached 89.1% of pre-COVID level
26 December 2023

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4.308M arrivals up 17.3% from November 2022

November 2023 US air passenger arrivals reached 89.1% of pre-COVID level

  1. Per the US International Trade Administration, in November there were 4.308M non-US-citizen air passenger arrivals to the US from foreign countries - 89.1% of November 2019 level.

Overseas visitor arrivals - excluding arrivals from Canada and Mexico - totaled 2.405M which was 82.8% of 2019 level.

Top source countries of international arrivals were:

  1. Mexico 3.173M
  2. Canada 2.401M
  3. UK 1.443M
  4. Japan 763K
  5. Dominican Republic 758K

Top world region sources were:

  1. Europe (-17.5% from 2019)
  2. South/Central America/Caribbean (+19.1% from 2019)
  3. Asia (-25.1% from 2019)

Top US airports for international arrivals were:

  1. JFK
  2. MIA
  3. LAX
  4. EWR
  5. SFO

Top foreign airports sending international visitors to the US were:

  1. LHR
  2. CUN
  3. YYZ
  4. MEX
  5. CDG

Comment: Slow recovery of arrivals from Europe and especially Asia (think China) doesn't bode well for summer 2024. Watch this space for updates in1Q2024.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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