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Tourism Ireland launches $4.2M promotional campaign in anticipation of 19 June reopening to international visitors [VIDEO]
10 June 2021 (Edited )

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Tourism Ireland

Immediately following the Government of Ireland's announcement that inbound international travel can resume as of 19 July 2021 for persons eligible under the EU Digital Green Certificate System, Tourism Ireland announced the launch ofs a $4.2M promotional campaign welcoming overseas visitors.

Unvaccinated children ages 17-18 must test negative for COVID-19, and unvaccinated adults must test negative and also quarantine until they receive a second negative test result.

The first wave of the new campaign began to be rolled out on 7 June - via YouTube and other online video platforms plus social media, mobile and connected TV - to Great Britain, the US, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, the Nordic countries and Switzerland.

A second wave will begin in July, coinciding with the reopening.

Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin TD said:

“I am delighted to officially launch Tourism Ireland’s new €3.5 million campaign ‘Let’s get back to Ireland’, which goes live from today. There is now cause for great optimism within the tourism and hospitality sector, as the rollout of the vaccination programme gathers pace".

Tourism Ireland CEO Niall Gibbons said:

“We are delighted to unveil our new campaign, ‘Let’s get back to Ireland’, which will help build anticipation for trips to Ireland this summer, among holidaymakers in our key overseas markets. We know from our research that there is significant pent-up demand among overseas visitors to return to Ireland as soon as possible. However, we also know that there will be significant competition, as every destination across the globe has experienced the impact of COVID and will be seeking their share of the recovery. As international travel begins to restart, the priority for Tourism Ireland will be to keep the island of Ireland front and centre in consumers’ minds. Our kick-start campaign will need to punch through the noise and create an immediate desire to visit.”

However: Northern Ireland remains closed to international visitors because of concerns about the rapid spread of the Indian variant of COVID-19 in the UK.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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