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USTA and travel execs meet with President Trump
07 September 2018 (Edited )

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CEO Roger Dow and other officials of the USTA and CEOs of 13 major American travel companies met Tuesday with President Trump and aides at the White House.

Quoting from the USTA media release:

"The conversation highlighted ways the administration and the travel industry can work together to achieve travel-related growth. Among the policies discussed to help improve inbound travel: expanding and enhancing secure visa policies and supporting the Brand USA destination marketing agency. Transportation infrastructure—critical to growth of both international and domestic travel—was also on the policy menu."

USTA and others in the US travel industry understandably have some concerns as to the effect of current trade tensions with China, and the falling yuan, on US inbound tourism.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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