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VT Gov. Scott releases updated restrictions on visitors and returnees
22 May 2020

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Gov. Phil Scott

VT Gov. Phil Scott said during a news conference last week:

"We can be both neighborly and compassionate while staying safe. Our borders are not closed."

However, here is "guidance" for persons entering or re-entering Vermont:

  • Day trip traffic into VT from neighboring states is authorized for:
    • Essential work, health care and grocery shopping
    • Day work at authorized establishments
    • Family visitation
    • Recreation
  • Persons doing essential or authorized work that requires an overnight stay can use VT lodging, short-term-rental or camping facilities if they certify:
    • They are authorized to work in VT
    • They have not been in contact with anyone with COVID-19 in the past 24 hours
    • They have not experienced "COVID-19-like" symptoms in the past 24 hours
  • All other travel to and from VT is restricted and subject to quarantine requirements:
    • Persons entering VT for reasons other than day trips or essential or authorized work are subject to mandatory 14-day quarantine upon arrival.
    • Such persons must stay inside their homes and away from others for 14 days if they believe they were exposed to a person with COVID-19 or if they have recently entered VT from outside the state.
    • People in quarantine may not:
      • Go to work
      • Go outside for exercise
      • Go out for groceries or other essential items
    • Also people in quarantine should try to stay in a separate room of their home from others.
    • Persons who have been in quarantine for 7 days without experiencing COVID-19 symptoms can get tested and, if test is negative, end quarantine early.
  • Lodging operations, short-term rentals, campgrounds and marinas officially reopen today, 22 May 2020.
  • On 22 May these businesses can begin taking reservations from Vermonters, persons who have met the 14-day quarantine requirement, and persons participating in essential or authorized work.
  • Persons coming from out of state who are not participating in essential or authorized work must quarantine for 14 days before traveling to VT.
  • Businesses may require a copy of a VT driver's license or a signed statement from the guest attesting to having met the quarantine requirement.
  • Businesses are required to maintain a log of customers and their contact information for 30 days for possible contact tracing by the Health Department.
  • Per VT State Police, failure to follow any of these guidelines could result in consequences of a civil or criminal nature.
  • Vermonters are encouraged to drop a dime on businesses or individuals not complying with these orders to local police or by submitting an online Executive Order Report to the VT Department of Public Safety.
  • Per VT Attorney General, civil enforcements could include:
    • Civil court action to force compliance
    • Fine of $1000/day while non-compliance continues
    • Specific municipal penalties
  • And criminal enforcement could involve fines of up to $500 and up to 6 months in prison.

(Notice that at one point this announcement says people must quarantine upon arrival and elsewhere that they must quarantine before arriving in VT. Which is it?)

Either way: Welcome to the People's Republic of Vermont...

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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