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US-China Tourism Leadership Summit Held in Xi'an [VIDEO]
25 May 2024 (Edited )

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Government and industry leaders met to foster return of Chinese visitors to US

US-China Tourism Leadership Summit Held in Xi'an

Brand USA, the US Department of Commerce and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the PRC hosted this 3-day event - the 14th edition, but the first since 2019 - this week in Xi'an, capital of Shaanxi Province in western China.

Brand USA President/CEO Chris Thompson set the tone of the event, saying:

"The return of Chinese visitors is critical for the U.S. tourism industry and essential for the full recovery of our economy."

Aim of Summit organizers was to facilitate deeper insights into conducting business within the Chinese tourism market while providing opportunities for forging new connections with influential decision-makers.

The 75-person US delegation was led by Assistant Secretary of Commerce Grant Harris and Brand USA's Chris Thompson, and included representative of major US state, city and regional DMOs as well as government officials.

Travel Oregon President /CEO Todd Davidson said:

"The 14th U.S.—China Tourism Leadership Summit marked a significant milestone in our efforts to strengthen the tourism bridge between our two nations. The insights and collaborations developed during this event were essential for fostering mutual understanding and economic growth. It is great to have restarted the summit and be back in this market after six years as we reunite with our colleagues from the Chinese government and travel industry."

The Chinese delegation was led by State Councilor Yiquin Shen, Minister of Culture and Tourism Sun Yeli, and Shaanxi Party Secretary Zhao Yide.

PRC President Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden both sent congratulatory messages which were read at the event.

The Chinese tourism market is significant for the global travel industry. In 2019, 3 million Chinese visitors to the US contributed $35 billion to the economy.

Chinese official responsible for the backdrop shown in the photo above is likely now undergoing re-education at government expense.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
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