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Hawaii awards, then rescinds US market contract
14 December 2022 (Edited )

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Contract awarded in June to CNHA rescinded

Hawaii tourism promotion remains in limbo

On his last day in office Monday 5 December 2022, outgoing Hawaii Departtment of Business, Economic Development & Tourism Director (DBEDT) Mike McCartney rescinded the state's US market brand management contract awarded in June to the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA), and canceled the RFPs for that contract.

McCartney said in letters sent to the parties involved that he no longer believes that it's in the best interests of the prople of Hawaii to award a single contract, but that instead there should be 2 contracts: one for marketing communications and trade marketing, the other for destination brand management and community-based economic development.

CNHA has filed and later updated a protest.

The Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau (HVCB) - which had previously held the US contract - has continued to provide destination marketing services during the ongoing dispute over the June contract award, and has just received an additional 6-month extension.

A Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA) spokesperson said its board will work with the new DBEDT director on going forward with tourism promotion.

I'm thinking: too many cooks spoil the broth.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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