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Portugal launches #Brelcome campaign targeting Britons [VIDEO]
31 March 2019 (Edited )

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Visit Portugal

Page for this campaign on the Visit Portugal website makes the pitch that Brits will always be welcome in Portugal regardless of the outcome of the chaotic Brexit process.


"Some times life plays little tricks and brings some changes. But there are a few things that will remain the same. You are part of our history and together, as allies, we changed the course of the world. No border will separate us.

"Your sense of humour and zest for life will forever be part of the sand of our beaches, of our golf courses, of our wine cellars and of our music festivals. Brexit may be the word of the day, but from us, you will always hear Brelcome."

A creative campaign. Success hinges in part on how the UK ultimately exits the EU - with or without a trade deal. Let's watch Portugal's share of UK-EU inbound, to see how well it works.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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