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Boris Johnson: UK indoor hospitality to reopen 17 May 2021
11 May 2021

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The Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP

UK PM Boris Johnson confirmed yesterday in a media conference that indoor hospitality can reopen beginning next Monday, 17 May 2021.

Pubs and restaurants will be free to open fully for indoor service, although social distancing rules, track and trace and compulsory masks measures will remain in place as the industry pushes for lifting of all restrictions in June.

Wedding capacity will also increase to 30 attendees, and groups of up to 30 will be able to meet outside, up to six people indoors.

Indoor entertainment and attractions including cinemas, theatres, concert halls, bowling alleys, casinos, amusement arcades, museums and children’s indoor play areas can open with COVID-secure measures in place.

Indoor and outdoor events including live performances, sporting events and business events can also resume.

UKHospitality chief executive Kate Nicholls said:

“There is a huge sense of relief within the sector, in particular for the 6 in 10 venues that were not able to reopen over recent weeks due to a lack of outdoor space. This also gives businesses far more certainty with trading no longer beholden to the weather. However, with significant restrictions still in place, this is a psychological opening rather than an economic one, with the profitability of the sector still a huge issue."

Greater Manchester economy advisor Sacha Lord echoed those sentiments, tweeting:

“Whilst I welcome the next step, please remember that the VAST majority of operators, will not be able to breakeven with measures in place. We MUST keep the pressure up for the next 6 weeks. NO RESTRICTIONS, NO EXCUSES. Let’s follow the data, the science, the evidence.”

Attainment of Step 4 of the Reopening Roadmap - scheduled for 21 June - would see the removal of social-distancing restrictions.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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