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Boston Mayor Walsh cancels 2020 marathon because of COVID-19
29 May 2020 (Edited )

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Boston Athletic Association

Boston Marathon sponsors Boston Athletic Association (BAA) announced Friday that following cancellation of the live 2020 event by Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh because of COVID-19 concerns their organization will hold the 124th Marathon as a virtual event throughout the second week of September.

The Marathon is traditionally held on Patriots Day (a Massachusetts legal holiday) in April, but had earlier been postponed to September. The live event had been expected to put around $211M into the economy of Greater Boston.

Runners who had registered for the 20 April 2020 event will be offered a full refund of their entry fee and will be able to participate in the virtual event, which can be run anytime between 7 and 14 September.

Runners in the virtual 2020 Marathon will be required to complete the 26.2-mile distance within 6 hours and provide proof to the BAA. Those who complete the virtual Marathon will receive an official program, participant t-shirt, medal and bib. Virtual offerings for participants that week will also include panel discussions, interviews with past champions, and downloadable signature race elements.

The BAA 5K scheduled for 12 September is also canceled, and registrants will receive a full refund.

For full information on the Virtual Marathon, refunds, etc. see the External Article linked from below.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
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ACRO Global

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