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Governing Magazine rates Massachusetts economy #1 in the USA
24 August 2016

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David 24 August 2016

Governing Magazine has published a new ranking of the economic performance of the 50 USA States.

Variable considered were:

  • unemployment rate
  • improvement in unemployment rate (1 year)
  • 2015 per-capita GDP
  • % change in real state GDP 2014-2015
  • % change in per-capita state personal income 3Q2015-1Q2016
  • % growth in YTD increases in jobs (2016)

They also looked at the approval ratings of the 50 governors and found positive correlation between that measure and the state economic performance ranks.

Massachusetts economy was ranked highest; Alaska and West Virginia tied for lowest.

Among governors, Charlie Baker (Massachusetts) had the highest approval rating (72%), while Dannel Malloy (Connecticut) had the low of 29%.

From the Governing article:

"Baker has been in office less than two years and is seen as a positive for the state's economy moving forward," said Tufts University political scientist Jeffrey Berry. "The Massachusetts economy is in terrific shape, and it's poised for continued growth."

That said, Berry added, most voters know that the state's positive economy is part of a long-term trend that predates Baker.

"No one sees him as primarily responsible for the high growth rate or low unemployment that we currently enjoy."

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
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