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70% of Europeans plan to travel October-January, most within Europe
29 September 2021

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European Travel Commission

A new survey by the European Travel Commission finds that despite concerns about increasing infections of the Delta variant of COVID-19 at destinations, almost 70% of Europeans say they plan to travel between now and the end of January 2022, 35% in their own country and 55% to another country in Europe.

Other significant findings:

  • Increasing vaccination rates permit 54% of Europeans to feel more optimistic about traveling in the next few months.
  • But 17% of respondents said they are unwilling to travel in the short term.
  • 50% plan to book a trip as soon as they are vaccinated.
  • 57% expect the EU Digital COVID Certificate to facilitate short-term trip planning.
  • 20% plan to extend the summer season by taking a trip to the coast or a rural area in October or November.
  • Top destination choices for those planning to visit another country are:
    1. Italy
    2. Spain
    3. France
    4. Greece
    5. Croatia
  • 44% of those aged 54+ plan to travel domestically, vs. 27% of those aged 18-24.
  • Drivers of anxiety about travel include:
    1. Quarantine (cited by 18%)
    2. Rising COVID-19 case numbers at the destination (16%)
    3. Possible changes to travel restrictions during trip (15%)
  • Concerns about personal health and safety while traveling relate mainly to:
    1. Air travel (17%)
    2. In-destination travel (15%)
    3. Cafes and restaurants (13%)

Results are based on a survey of 4,003 residents of Europe conducted in 3Q2021.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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