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'Amber Plus' list creates new confusion for British holidaymakers
29 July 2021

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David|29 July 2021

The so-called "Amber Plus" category of the England's traffic-light system of classifying countries for COVID-19 travel restrictions was created last week specifically for France, where the Beta variant of the coronavirus was surging.

Right now, the "Amber Plus" restrictions require even fully vaccinated persons entering England from France - or Britons returning from France - to take and pay for 2 COVID-19 tests and self-isolate for 10 days.

To add additional confusion, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have their own sets of restrictions.

Obviously, these enhanced restrictions constitute a serious inconvenience for travelers, and could cause some to make last-minute changes to travel plans.

Meanwhile, as of next Monday, travelers from the remaining 26 EU member states plus the US, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and European microstates will be able to avoid quarantine in England if they can provide proof of vaccination. (But Chinese Sinopharm and Russian Sputnik V shots don't count.)

France's European Minister Clement Beaune has complained that keeping the quarantine requirement in place for persons traveling from his country is excessive, discriminatory and incomprehensible on health grounds.

UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said he hopes France will soon be moved off the Amber Plus list.

However, the situation might be about to worsen, as COVID-19 infections increase in Spain and Greece, creating the possibility of these 2 countries being moved from the Amber category to Amber Plus just as millions of Britons are preparing to embark on their August holidays.

Greek Tourism Minister Harry Theoharis has protested to UK officials that Greece is a safe country for tourists and shouldn't be moved to Amber Plus.

The next update of the traffic-light system is expected to be announced on 4 or 5 August.

Stay tuned.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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