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American tourists can now get French Pass Sanitaire - but expect delays
24 August 2021 (Edited )

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Government of France

Although American tourists with proof of COVID-19 vaccination have been able to enter France since June, new restrictions require a Pass Sanitaire for entry to restaurants, bars, museums, tourist attractions and some forms of transportation.

These new restrictions have left American tourists in limbo because only French citizens have been able to get a Pass Sanitaire.

Now the French government has announced a procedure for Americans to apply for a Pass Sanitaire:

  1. Obtain and complete the application form found here:
  2. E-mail the completed form along with proof of vaccination, passport and plane ticket to:
  3. Put "USA/LAST NAME/First Name/Date of Arrival in France" in the subject line of your e-mail.

Note that for this to work you must have been shot up with one of the vaccines recognized by the French government:

  • Pfizer
  • Moderna
  • AstraZeneca
  • Johnson & Johnson

Also, in the fine print, guidance from the Government of France says:

“This procedure is open to foreign tourists from outside the EU who are already in France or are arriving by August 26, 2021. Applications concerning an arrival after this date will be dealt with later on.”

It's unclear whether this means persons arriving after 26 August can apply now, or if they must wait until after 26 August.

And some Americans who have gone through the Pass Sanitaire application process report delays in processing of a week or 10 days or more.

A Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesperson said they are working hard to process applications as quickly as possible.

By the way, note also that on 13 August the US State Department and CDC added France to their Level 4: Do Not Travel lists because of COVID-19.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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