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EU agrees to extend Brexit date to 22 May if UK Parliament approves PM May's deal next week [VIDEO]
22 March 2019 (Edited )

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David|22 March 2019

European Council President Donald Tusk

announced at a press conference in Brussels yesterday that leaders of the 27 EU member states have unanimously agree to delay Brexit past the currently scheduled date of 29 March.

UK PM Theresa May,

following 2 losing parliamentary votes on her withdrawal plan, had requested a delay in Brexit until 30 June.

But per Mr. Tusk the EU's offer now on the table is:

  1. If the UK Parliament approves PM May's withdrawal plan next week, Brexit will be delayed until 22 May to give the UK time to make whatever last-minute preparations are necessary.
  2. Or, should Parliament once again reject PM May's withdrawal plan, the UK may remain within the EU until 12 April and at that point commit to participating in EU parliamentary elections scheduled to begin on 23 May, and request a further extension of the Brexit date; or, otherwise, crash out of the EU with no deal.

The immediate objective of both sides is to avoid a no-deal Brexit from occurring 29 March. And the EU's offer - however the UK ultimately responds - should accomplish that, at least until 12 April.

If come 12 April the UK chooses not to participate in the EU parliamentary elections, then 22 May becomes the new crash-out date.

But if, instead, the UK chooses to participate in the EU elections - almost inevitably a precursor to the UK remaining in the EU - ardent Leavers in both Parliament and the UK public will justifiably be able to make the case that the will of the people has been ignored, with potentially catastrophic consequences for PM May's Government, and the UK in general.

Stay tuned.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
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