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Europe is the world's most peaceful region in 2018
13 November 2018

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Institute for Economics & Peace

Australia-based Institute for Economics & Peace has released its Global Peace Index 2018 which ranks 163 countries according to their "level of peacefulness," based on 23 indicators related to three dimensions:

  • Social safety and security
  • Ongoing domestic and international conflict
  • Militarization

They find the world overall to be 0.27% less peaceful than it was in 2017, with 92 countries (56%) deemed less peaceful.

Tourismwise, countries that are red or tan on the map above are iffy.

Regionwise, Europe is rated most peaceful, Middle East & North Africa least.

The 5 countries rated most peaceful are:

  1. Iceland
  2. New Zealand
  3. Austria
  4. Portugal
  5. Denmark

Syria is rated least-peaceful, followed by Afghanistan, South Sudan, Iraq and Somalia.

USA is ranked at #121, but at least up a point from 2017.

Countries with "very high peace" had on average 3X the per capita GDP growth of those with "very low peace."

Go here for the full report.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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