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Failte Ireland chairman forced to resign over Italy holiday
17 August 2020

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Failte Ireland

On Saturday, after it was reported in Irish media that he is vacationing in Italy in defiance of the Irish Government's advice for citizens to holiday at home to boost tourism and avoid importing COVID-19 from abroad, Failte Ireland Chairman Michael Cawley submitted his recognition during a telephone conversation with Tourism Minister Catherine Martin.

Several statements have been released in connection with this incident:

Catherine Martin:

"While Italy is on the green list, meaning that people who return from there do not have to restrict their movements, the Government has called on people to avoid all non-essential travel. I wish to thank Mr. Cawley for his service as Chair of Fáilte Ireland. Mr. Cawley has served Fáilte Ireland with energy over his time as chair, and I want to thank him for his service to the cause of tourism promotion in Ireland."

Michael Cawley:

"As has been reported in the media this morning I am on a pre-arranged family holiday in Italy, which is on the Government green list. As I have no wish to allow this issue to become a distraction from the important work of Fáilte Ireland in rebuilding the Irish tourism industry, I have decided after six years in the position to step down. I fully support the Government’s policy on Tourism and I will continue to help the industry emerge from its current difficulties."

Failte Ireland CEO Paul Kelly:

“Michael has been an invaluable support to the Executive team at Fáilte Ireland. He has made a significant contribution to developing and growing the tourism sector in Ireland. On behalf of the Executive team and staff I want to express my thanks to Michael and I wish him well in the future.”

Prior to joining Failte Ireland in 2014, Cawley served as CFO, later Co-Deputy-CEO/COO of Ryanair Holdings. He currently sits on the boards of Flutter Entertainment and Hostelworld Group.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
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