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Intentions re long-haul travel to Europe remain weak in key markets
25 May 2022

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European Travel Commission

The Long Haul Travel Barometer update just released by the European Travel Commission for Summer 2022 (May - August) shows that although travel sentiment has improved somewhat, it remains below pre-pandemic levels, and travel intention remains weak in most key markets.

Contributing factors include weakening economic prospects, COVID-19 and geopolitical shocks.

Data come from 1,000 interviews with persons aged 18-70 conducted across 5 key markets - Brazil, China, Japan, Russia and the US.

Findings by market:

  • Brazil: Brazil was the only market showing a more positive attitude (index of 149 with >100 being positive) toward long-haul travel in this survey wave. Resumption of Brazil-Europe flights by LATAM Airlines is a significant influencing factor.
  • China: China's zero-COVID policy and ongoing outbreaks of the virus continue to suppress desire for trips to Europe (index below 100). Hope exists for a more positive outlook for 4Q2022.
  • Japan: Japanese attitudes toward long-haul travel have indexed significantly below 100 since summer 2020.
  • US: Attitudes toward long-haul travel in general remain positive, but index negatively (currently 93/100) in regard to Europe. Primary drivers are concerns about personal finances, and the increasing cost of travel.
  • Russia: With the Ukraine conflict and sanctions imposed by the west, Russian sentiment toward traveling to Europe reached a new index low of 78/100.

Impact on long-haul travel plans to Europe across markets of the Ukraine conflict:

  1. No effect (75.5%) (Varied significantly from 33% in China to 86% in US)
  2. Put travel plans on hold (12.1%)
  3. Canceled trip (4.0%)
  4. Will travel long-haul but not to Europe (3.8%)
  5. Changed itinerary because of safety concerns (2.4%)

Italy was the only destination consistently in Top 3 lists of survey respondents in all 5 markets.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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