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Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne: France will support ski resorts during ban on Brits
21 December 2021

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Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne

Following the announcement by the French government on Saturday that tourists from the UK are to be banned from entering France because of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, Tourism Minister Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne said in an interview on BFM TV that the government will take steps to offset lost earnings of ski resorts.

M. Lemoyne said that although tourists from the UK make up about 15% of the French ski market overall, their share of business is much higher at some resorts.

Last winter, COVID-19 caused French ski resorts to be closed from early December 2020 through all of January and February 2021, resulting in what was essentially total loss of the season.

It's not clear what specific actions the French government plans to take to support the ski resorts, but promotion of ski holidays to French citizens would be a logical step.

Stay tuned for further developments.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
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ACRO Global

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