UK parliamentary sources report that Mrs. May plans to propose that the UK remain indefinitely in a customs union with the EU - which would avoid t" /> ACRO Global Tourism Marketer Articles: PM May expected to propose UK remaining in customs union with EU indefinitely as Irish border solution
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PM May expected to propose UK remaining in customs union with EU indefinitely as Irish border solution
04 July 2018 (Edited )

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David|4 July 2018

UK parliamentary sources report that Mrs. May plans to propose that the UK remain indefinitely in a customs union with the EU - which would avoid tourism-damaging guards and customs checks at the Ireland-NI border - but at the same time limit migration from the EU and elsewhere into the UK

Both Euroskeptic Tories and EU Brexit negotiators are expected to oppose this proposal.

And the UK's scheduled exit from the EU is now only 8 months away.

Stay tuned.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
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