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69% of Britons will be holidaying in the UK in summer 2019
16 June 2019 (Edited )

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Travelodge Holiday Index 2019

In its Holiday Index 2019, based on a survey of 1500 British adults, Travelodge reports:

  • 69% of Britons plan to take their annual summer holiday in the UK, up from 57% in 2018.
  • Average length of holiday will be 8 days.
  • Average spend will be 874 GBP.
  • 45% plan to visit 3 locations during their holiday.
  • 85% plan to take a one-week holiday plus 3 short breaks.
  • 45% plan to visit the seashore:
    1. Cornwall
    2. Blackpool
    3. Devon
  • 25% plan to take a city break:
    1. London
    2. Bath
    3. Birmingham
  • 24% plan to visit the countryside:
    1. Lake District
    2. North Wales
    3. Cotswolds
  • Where most staycationers live:
    1. Liverpool
    2. Sheffield
    3. Leeds
    4. Brighton
    5. Cardiff
    6. Nottingham
    7. Birmingham
    8. Leicester
    9. Newcastle
    10. Oxford

Ongoing Brexit uncertainties are likely a cause of this trend toward holidaying at home.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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