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David Davis rules out keeping Northern Ireland under EU law
21 November 2017 (Edited )

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The Guardian

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
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Posted 21 November 2017:

An EU official has suggested that only the DUP's hold over Theresa May's government is preventing NI from remaining in the EU customs union and avoiding a hard Ireland-NI border.

But last week UK Brexit Secretary David Davis has ruled out any possibility of NI remaining under the jurisdiction of the ECJ - which under EU law would be a necessary condition of NI remaining within the EU customs union.

Davis's spokesperson said that his department "firmly rejects" the suggestion that the Tories are putting their government's survival ahead of the interests of the people of NI.

After many months of Brexit talks between the UK and the EU, and pronouncements by bureaucrats and politicians on both sides, there's been essentially zero progress on the border issue, despite the fact that everyone in tourism in the Island of Ireland understands that an open border is critical to the post-Brexit survival of their industry.

Theresa May's government needs to take meaningful action on this RIGHT NOW.

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