Failte Ireland's Tourism Facts 2015 report presents Ireland tourism stats that are sliced and diced by tourism region, source market, season of the year, mode of transportation, choice of accommodation, activities engaged in, more...
- Visitors to Ireland in 2015 spent 6 billion euro.
- Ireland saw significant visitation growth from all major source markets:
- UK (+11.3%)
- Mainland Europe (+15.7%)
- North America (+12.9%)
- Other long-haul markets (+11.7%)
- For every euro spent on tourism, 0.23 euro of tax revenue was generated.
- The Dublin region was the most popular destination for visitors from all major markets, including domestic.
- October-December was the most popular season for visiting Ireland, across all international markets.
- Visitors from the UK stayed predominantly with friends and relatives, while visitors from mainland Europe favored "Other" accommodations (??), those from North America preferred hotels, and those from the rest of the world most often opted for self-catering accommodation.
- Fifty percent of 2015 visitors came to Ireland on holiday.
- The internet was the #1 source of information for both choosing and planning a holiday in Ireland.
- 84% of holidaymakers traveled independently (vs. package tour)
- "Friendly, hospitable people" was the #1 destination issue for visitors in both importance (96%) and satisfaction (98%)