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Good Housekeeping names Galway, Portland ME to top-10 2020 destinations
21 January 2020

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Good Housekeeping

Galway, Co. Galway, Ireland

Good Housekeeping Magazine has released its list of top 10 places to visit in 2020:

  1. Galway, Ireland - European Capital of Culture 2020 - for Irish beauty, cultural events, idyllic cobblestone streets
  2. Dubai, UAE for shopping, spectacular modern architecture, food, culture
  3. BVI for activities, excursions, places to explore, ocean, beaches
  4. Nikko, Japan for summer olympics, cultural history, natural beauty
  5. Bangkok, Thailand for fusion of history and modernity, things to do, places to visit
  6. Lille, France for culture, art, museums
  7. Portland, ME USA for culinary scene, craft beers, unique shops, friendly hospitality
  8. Yerevan, Armenia for ancient buildings plus cafes, wine bars, restaurants
  9. Salzburg, Austria for 100th Salzburg Festival, classical music, performing arts, natural beauty, cultural richness
  10. Grand Canyon National Park, AZ USA for breathtaking natural wonder

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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