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Screen Ireland leads virtual trade mission to LA film industry
17 March 2021 (Edited )

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Screen Ireland

Screen Ireland (ex- Irish Film Board) and Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media Catherine Martin are this week leading a virtual trade mission to the US film industry in Los Angeles to explore possibilities created by the expansion of existing studio infrastructure and planned construction of new facilities in the Republic, as well as through incentives for the film industry such as the Section 481 tax credit.

The Irish delegation is meeting with senior executives from LA-based studios, content creators and streaming services, to create new opportunities for production partnerships into the future.

The LA Consulate General of Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, Tourism Ireland and the IDA are also taking part in the trade mission.

Screen Ireland chief CEO Désirée Finnegan said:

“Since the last trade mission to Los Angeles [in September 2019], US-Ireland industry partnerships have continued to grow with Irish projects achieving critical and commercial success around the globe.”

The Irish-produced Apple TV Plus-backed film Wolfwalkers has been nominated for Best Animated Feature at this year’s Academy Awards.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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