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Tourism Ireland names Google exec CEO Designate
17 June 2023

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MD/Google Customer Solutions UK & Ireland Alice Mansergh

Alice Mansergh

Alice Mansergh named Tourism Ireland CEO Designate

The Board of Directors of Tourism Ireland have announced the selection of Managing Director/Google Customer Solutions, UK & Ireland Alice Mansergh as CEO Designate of the Irish national tourist board.

Ms. Mansergh has served on the board of Failte Ireland for the past 5 years, and has nearly 20 years of strategic leadership experience including working with travel industry partners.

Subject to formal ratification of the appointment by the North South Ministerial Council, Ms. Mansergh will begin her new position on 18 September 2023.

Tourism Ireland Chairman Christopher Brooke said:

“Following a rigorous and competitive international recruitment campaign, we are pleased to select Alice Mansergh as the new Chief Executive Designate of Tourism Ireland. Alice is a highly experienced, strategic leader with extensive international marketing experience and a strong understanding of digital trends. She will provide strategic leadership to the team at Tourism Ireland at an important time for our industry, which continues on the road to recovery. She will work with, and support, our tourism industry partners, at home and overseas, as we rebuild overseas tourism to the island of Ireland.”

Ms. Mansergh is a graduate of Trinity College Dublin with a degree in Irish and English Literature.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
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ACRO Global

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