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Tourism Ireland Teams with Irish Ferries on Major UK Advertising Campaign
18 August 2016 (Edited )

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David 18 August 2016

Tourism Ireland and Irish Ferries launch Ireland: The Drive to Beat Them All campaign promoting touring by car the Wild Atlantic Way and Ireland's Ancient East to British holidaymakers.

The campaign will run for two months and reach 20M British consumers.

Media include:

  • Guardian Online (with win-a-holiday contest)
  • Radio ads on Classic FM, Heart and Smooth Radio
  • Print ads in Daily Mail, Daily Express, Daily Telegraph, The Sunday Times, The Sunday Telegraph and the Mail on Sunday
  • Online ads on popular Web sites
  • Facebook ads

Britain is Ireland's #1 overseas market (40%+ of visitors). The June 24 Brexit vote has resulted in a significant drop in value of the GBP vs. the euro - which makes Irish holidays more expensive for Brits - along with general economic uncertainty and diminished consumer confidence in the UK.

In 2016 up until that event, visitation to Ireland from the UK had increased by 16% vs. Jan-June 2015. Tourism Ireland doubtless hopes this campaign will contribute to maintaining that momentum for the rest of the year.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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