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UK Tourism Minister launches £1.3M fund to support local DMOs during COVID-19
09 April 2020

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Tourism Minister Nigel Huddleston

Tourism Minister Nigel Huddleston has announced the creation of a fund to provide immediate financial support to local destination-marketing organizations that are at "severe risk of closure" due to COVID-19.

Quoting from the official Gov.UK announcement:

"The funding, which is available to any at-risk DMO in England which usually receives at least 50% of its income from commercial sources, will be used to cover operating costs and the cost of employees that cannot be furloughed under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme because they provide crucial business support services."

Until 30 June 2020, DMOs will be able to receive up to £2,500 per month for two members of non-furloughed staff who provide crucial business support services and up to £5,000 to cover operating costs. This money will come from the Discover England Fund.

There are about 150 DMOs in England that could apply for funding if they meet the "severe risk of closure" condition as a result of COVID-19.

Interesting that this fund is available for DMOs in England only and not to those in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. Why is that, I wonder? Is everyone in those UK countries OK with this? Stay tuned for possible updates.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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