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US Embassy warns Americans about changes to French Vaccination Pass rules
01 March 2022

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US Embassy Paris, France

In a Health Alert, the US Embassy in Paris has warned Americans visiting or about to visit France about changes to what the French government previously called a "COVID Certificate" (Pass Sanitaire) but since 24 January is now known as as the Vaccine Pass (Pass Vaccinal).

Changes to COVID rules as now in effect in France for persons age 18 and older are:

  • Vaccine Passes expire 4 months after you receive your 2nd dose of 2-dose vaccine.
  • To keep your pass valid, or receive one for the first time, you must receive a Pfizer or Moderna booster shot.
  • Even if 4 months have passed since you got your 2nd dose, getting the booster shot will reactivate your pass 7 days later.

Persons age 16-17 must use the Pass Vaccinal but don't need a booster.

Persons age 12-15 can continue to use the Pass Sanitaire and don't need a booster.

The US Embassy points out that the US CDC doesn't recommend a booster shot until 5 months after the 2nd dose, vs. the French government's 4 months - but there's nothing they can do about that.

Accordingly, the US Embassy recommends that Americans who would need a booster shot to obtain the French Pass Vaccinal but are unable to receive it before leaving the US should postpone their travel to France.

Also: France does not accept US Certificates of Recovery, only those with an EU-compatible QR code.

Is Inspector Clouseau making these rules deliberately to frustrate foreigners?

Stay tuned for updates.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
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