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Tourism-dependent Montana to begin reopening businesses on 27 April 2020, but 14-day quarantine for visitors remains
23 April 2020 (Edited )

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Gov. Steve Bullock

Montana Gov. Steve Bullock announced yesterday that he plans to begin a phased reopening of Montana on Monday 27 April.

But the 14-day quarantine requirement for visitors entering the state, and residents returning from another state or country, "for non-working purposes" will remain in place for now.

Under Phase 1 of Gov. Bullock's plan:

"Main street and retail" businesses can reopen on or after 27 April if they adhere to requirements for capacity limitations and physical distancing.

Restaurants, bars, breweries, distilleries and casinos can begin to provide some in-establishment services beginning 4 May.

Movie theaters, gyms, and other businesses and places of assembly that are unable to meet physical distancing requirements will remain closed for now. But places of worship that can provide physical distancing between persons of different households can reopen Sunday 26 April.

Schools can reopen on or after 7 May, at the discretion of the Districts.

Under future Phase 2 (no start date announced):

Gatherings can expand to 50 people.

Gyms and pools can reopen.

More places of assembly can reopen.

Outdoor recreation and Non-essential travel restrictions (14-day quarantine) remain as in Phase 1 and before.

Under future Phase 3 (no start date announced):

No limit on group size.

All businesses and places of assembly can open but must observe physical distancing requirements.

Outdoor recreation and non-essential travel can resume.

Campgrounds, group facilities, playgrounds and visitor centers can fully open.

I'm thinking Phase 3 is unlikely to be reached before August. But what do I know? Stay tuned for updates.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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