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Interview with French Tourism Minister Matthias Fekl - 7 August 2016
16 August 2016

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France-Diplomatie 7 August 2016

Selected excerpts from interview given by French Tourism Minister Matthias Fekl to the Journal du Dimanche newspaper on 7 August 2016 (my translation)

Q. What is the impact of the attacks on tourism in France?

A. The number of international overnight stays fell by an average of 10% the first six months of the year.

Q. Does the reaction of foreign visitors vary according to nationality?

A. Customers with high purchasing power from the United States, Asia and the Gulf reacted strongly to the attacks. Upscale hotels are suffering more. Fortunately, 80% of visitors are Europeans, who are proceeding with their holidays. Despite Brexit, the British have not canceled their stays.

Q. Will you keep the target of 100 million tourists in 2020 despite competition from Spain or Italy?

A. The Council of Ministers confirmed this goal on Wednesday. In 2015, France set a visitation record of 85 million passengers, despite there already having been attacks. France must remain the world's top destination.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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