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Some states with big tourism budgets spent less on marketing in 2015, some spent more
03 October 2016

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Skift 16 September 2016

In this Skift article, Dan Peltier reports that some of the traditionally biggest-spending US state DMOs spent less in 2015 than in previous years.

The Big Idea:

Depending on individual circumstances, a state DMO coming in under its annual marketing budget may or may not be a good thing; so neither a big budget nor a large spend guarantees the desired results.

Key points:

  • US state tourism budgets have grown every fiscal year since 2010.
  • Average FY 2016 budget is about $20.1M.
  • Budget and spending are often two different things, in both absolute and relative terms.
  • Actual spending in FY 2015 - Top 10 states:
    1. Hawaii $76.9M (-6.2%)
    2. Florida $74.8M (+7.7%)
    3. California $60M (-6.8%)
    4. Illinois $54.6M (+2.6%)
    5. Texas $49.4M (+14%)
    6. Michigan $29.0M (-10.2%)
    7. New York $25M (-18.5%)
    8. Arizona $24.6M (+6%)
    9. Virginia $18.8M (+1.0%)
    10. Louisiana $14.9M (+4.1%)

It would be interesting to integrate some "results" metrics with these numbers. Will add to to-do list.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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