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London man-on-the-street interviews: What makes hotel guests book directly?
16 August 2017 (Edited )

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David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
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Posted 21 August 2017:

This was a very quick-and-dirty survey of about 280 random people interviewed on one day in the street in London. Sex and age were reasonably well distributed.

Benefits respondents said would be most likely to cause them to book a hotel stay (top 3):

  1. Free breakfast
  2. Free wi-fi
  3. Late checkout

Least-wanted benefits (top 3):

  1. Daily paper (get news via smartphone)
  2. Discount at hotel restaurant (prefer to explore and eat elsewhere)
  3. Free parking (expected)

Nothing statistically significant about this, but data were collected quickly and cheaply, and results are certainly actionable. Useful research doesn't always need to be a Big Production.

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