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Update on European travel restrictions, business openings: 19 May 2020
19 May 2020

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David|19 May 2020

A number of European countries have begun to reopen restaurants, bars, stores and tourist attractions:

In Italy, restaurants, bars, non-essential stores and museums began to reopen yesterday, and international tourism will be able to resume on 3 June.

In Germany, limits on social contact - 1.5M distancing and masks worn in public - will remain in place until 5 June. Shops, religious institutions, playgrounds, museums, galleries and memorial sites can reopen but only with additional hygiene measures in place. The Bundesliga football league will be able to resume play shortly but probably without spectators. Hairdressers are open by appointment only.

Portugal, Belgium, Denmark and Poland began reopening restaurants, bars, stores and some tourist attractions yesterday.

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have agreed to permit reciprocal travel among their 3 countries.

But the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office continues to advise citizens against all non-essential travel until further notice. All international arrivals to the UK must provide contact and accommodation information, and self-quarantine for 14 days in accommodation arranged either by them selves or by the government. Briefly the UK government considered exempting travelers from France from the quarantine requirement, but has now backed away from that plan.

What will the "new normal" look like in Europe? Stay tuned.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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