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Niall Gibbons: Recovery of Irish tourism could take 5 years or more
06 December 2020 (Edited )

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Niall Gibbons - Tourism Ireland

In a speech to the Oireachtas Tourism Committee on Wednesday Tourism Ireland CEO Niall Gibbons said that 2020 has been a "catastrophic" year for Irish tourism.

Quoting Mr. Gibbons:

"The pace of recovery is unknown. However, based on the best information to hand, Tourism Ireland currently predicts the recovery could take in excess of five years. In order to improve on this position, an effective, sustained and large-scale marketing approach will be required. This should begin as soon as the health situation allows."

The Irish tourism chief also said that Tourism Ireland will likely be resuming marketing to the UK and mainland Europe soon, but that he doesn't expect to see visitation from long-haul markets until 2022 and beyond.

Tourism in recent years has accounted for more than 6% of the Irish economy, worth nearly 10B annually.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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