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US - Canada land border to remain closed until at least 21 February 2021
21 January 2021

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Public Safety Canada

Canadian Public Safety Minister Bill Blair has confirmed that the US-Canada land border will not be reopened anytime prior to 21 February 2021, and that a mandatory quarantine requirement remains in place for all returning Canadian citizens and permanent residents, with very limited exceptions.

And there are no exemptions to border restrictions for compassionate reasons such as visiting a critically ill relative or attending a funeral.


Canadians can still fly into the US provided they haven't visited certain other countries in the previous 14 days, and in most cases won't have to quarantine once in the US.

And commercial truck traffic still flows across the US-Canada border, which enables wily Canadians to ship their cars to the nearest US airport, fly there, and drive away to Florida or wherever unhindered.

But it hasn't helped US tourism businesses much:

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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