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US CDC updates international COVID-19 air travel requirements
27 October 2021

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US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

On Monday the US CDC posted on its website an update to requirements for air passengers aged 2 years and older boarding an international flight to the US.

The updated requirements are:

  • Regardless of vaccination status, inbound international passengers must undergo a COVID-19 viral test and provide negative result to the airline before boarding.
    • If fully vaccinated, test sample must be taken no more than 3 days before departure.
    • If not fully vaccinated, test sample must be taken no more than 1 day before departure.
  • If recently recovered from COVID-19, passengers may instead travel with documentation of a positive COVID-19 test result on a sample taken no more than 90 days before departure and a letter from a licensed healthcare provider or public health official stating that they are cleared to travel.
  • Children under age 18 will not be required to be fully vaccinated but those aged 2 years and older will be subject to the same testing policy as their parent or guardian.
  • Other limited exceptions to the vaccination requirements include:
    • Persons who participated in COVID-19 clinical trials
    • Those unable to be vaccinated for medical reasons
    • Unvaccinated residents of countries with vaccination rates below 10% of adults, with a government letter authorizing travel for essential, non-tourism purposes

You are considered fully vaccinated ONLY:

  • 14 days after your dose of an accepted single-dose vaccine, or
  • 14 days after your 2nd dose of an accepted 2-dose vaccine, or
  • 14 days after receiving the full series of an active COVID-19 vaccine in the US-based Astra-Zeneca or Noravax vaccine trials, or
  • 14 days after receiving 2 doses of any combination of accepted COVID-19 vaccines administered at least 17 days apart

Airlines will be required to enforce and implement the new procedures, including:

  • Verifying vaccine records and matching them against identity documentation
  • Ensuring that passengers have been vaccinated with vaccines that are on the FDA or WHO approved list
  • Collecting contact information to facilitate contact tracing

Airlines failing to enforce requirements could face penalties of up to $35,000 per violation.

CDC Quarantine Officers will spot-check arriving passengers for compliance.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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