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San Diego Tourism Authority launches $8M 'Happy and You Know It' campaign [VIDEO]
31 January 2022 (Edited )

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San Diego Tourism Authority

The San Diego Tourism Authority (SDTA) has announced the launch of its "Happy and You Know It" campaign that's organized around a 30-second video commercial featuring outdoor, warm-weather activities and will run from now through June primarily in the Los Angeles, Phoenix, San Francisco and Sacramento markets.

SDTA is funded largely out of San Diego Tourism Marketing District Assessment Funds raised by self-assessment of local lodging properties for the purpose of promoting tourism.

The TV ad will run during Super Bowl pregame coverage, the Beijing 2022 winter Olympic games, NCAA March Madness basketball and NBA regular season games.

Along with TV, the campaign will also use digital, radio and out-of-home media.

The Tourism Authority expects the campaign to get more than 250M impressions in its 5-month run.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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