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Expect EU travel disruptions due to strikes in May-June 2023
22 May 2023

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Belgium, France, Italy, Spain

Popular EU tourist destinations will continue to be plagued by strikes in May and June

A partial list

Belgium: Today 22 May, Belgian workers will be protesting proposed limitations on their right to strike, and the practice of employers of replacing employees with lower-priced workers (like recent immigrants). Demonstrations are expected to interfere with all public ground transportation.

France: Another nationwide protest against raising the retirement age has been scheduled for 6 June. Air traffic controllers could strike again as they did for 50 days in January-April, resulting in 3700 flight cancellations. Some tourist destinations may be closed during demonstrations.

Italy: Two unions - CUB and USB - staged a protest on Friday 19 May that resulted in government-owned domestic airline ITA Airways canceling 113 flights. Workers' issues include dangerous conditions and low pay. A 24-hour general strike is expected to occur on Friday, and continue into next week, impacting most modes of ground transport, with the possible exception of rail..

Spain: The Spanish Airline Pilots Union SEPLA has called for more pilot strikes to begin today and run through Friday and into next week to 30 May. And again 1-2 June. SEPLA has warned that if demands aren't met, strikes will continue throughout the summer. Pilots are protesting against a new law that requires 90% of scheduled flights to fly regardless of strikes. Air traffic controllers, flight attendants and other airline staff may join the pilots in striking.

In 2023, as of mid-March, transfers and booked trips though Paris's Charles de Gaulle Airport were down 75% vs. 2019.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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