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David Posted 02 August 2017:

In an interview with BNN USTA President/CEO Roger Dow said:

  • Canada is the #i US international tourism market.
  • Visitation from Canada has been down 12-15% for the past 3-4 years.
  • 2017 visitation from Canada is up by 1%.
  • Average trip spend by Canadian visitors is $1024.

So obviously Canada is a very important tourism market for the USA, and especially for these top-15 Canadian destinations:

  1. Florida
  2. New York
  3. Washington
  4. California
  5. Michigan
  6. Nevada
  7. Arizona
  8. Hawaii
  9. Maine
  10. Pennsylvania
  11. Massachusetts
  12. Vermont
  13. Montana
  14. North Dakota
  15. Virginia